Copy of Undergraduate Advising
Welcome to Scholarship Opportunities Program Advising!
In the Division of Undergraduate Education, the Scholarship Opportunities Program (SOP) advises top-performing undergraduates apply for nationally and internationally prestigious, merit-based scholarships and fellowships for study, research, and teaching, here in the U.S. and abroad.
SOP strives to empower each individual student who inquires about our services. With that goal in mind, we provide the following scenarios (click to expand) to guide you to the appropriate UCI campus resources that can assist you in finding what you are looking for.
Please make an appointment to speak with an Advisor at the Career Center in the Division of Career Pathways, to explore the various career options available to you, such as professional or graduate school.
Please explore the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (OFAS) website to help fund your undergraduate education (and not study/research or teaching opportunities after you graduate and to find the undergraduate scholarship(s) that best matches your eligibility, interests, and pursuits while you are still an undergraduate.
Please visit the Study Abroad Center website, and make an appointment to speak with an advisor to discuss your options, including applying for one of the scholarships that supports undergraduates who study abroad through the UC Education Abroad Program.
Please visit the Campuswide Honors Collegium website and make an appointment to speak with one of their advisors.
Please visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP),Volunteer Connection, the Career Center, Campus Organizations, or ASUCI (UCI’s student government) to get more involved on campus or in the local community.
Please visit the Graduate Division Resource Center, which offers graduate students a wide range of support and advising services.
After utilizing the resources provided in the answers to the above questions, you will better understand whether you want to proceed to the next steps of the SOP prestigious scholarship application process, outlined below:
Step 1: Narrow your scholarships using the Scholarship Selector
To discover which scholarship(s) best match your interests, please use the Scholarship Selector Tool below. Click on your major to open a clickable flowchart (click to enlarge) that guides you toward a specific scholarship based on your year in school, your focus, and your interest in abroad options.
(Note: Some awards overlap across multiple fields, and awards that you may qualify for are typically defined by more than your major. This tool is intended to help guide you toward the awards that meet your goals and aspirations and does not constitute a concrete list of all applicable awards for you.)
Scholarship Selector Tool:
After narrowing down the specific scholarship(s) that best cater to your interests and qualifications, your next step is to research each prestigious scholarship in greater detail.
Step 2: Research the Prestigious Scholarships
Clicking on a scholarship’s name will take you to that award’s landing page, which contains details regarding the scholarship’s criteria for eligibility, selection process, deadlines, required application materials, etc. The scholarships are divided between opportunities available in the U.S. and those available abroad.
To view a full comprehensive list of all 17 scholarships, deadlines, and requirements, please visit the Scholarships page.
Note: The 17 listed scholarships are the only scholarships currently supported by SOP advising processes. If none of these 17 awards match your interests, you may also check out SOP’s “Other Opportunities“, which students may apply to on their own, without institutional backing.
Programs in the U.S.
Programs outside the U.S.
After completing Steps 1 & 2 above, you have now found your scholarship of interest and know the required criteria to proceed forward in the application process. When beginning the next step, there are two sections available for use, although only one section is required to complete your scholarship application.
Step 3a: Schedule and Attend an Initial Advising Appointment
If you would like more information about our 17 supported scholarships or Pre-Application requirements, you may schedule an Advising Appointment or attend Drop-In Hours.
New students who have not yet submitted a Pre-Application will meet with an SOP Student Advisor.
Please note that advising with a Student Advisor is optional and not required if you want to begin the Pre-Application process.
You may find that the answer to your question is already posted to our Frequently Asked Questions page.
While Spring 2020 Quarter remote learning is in effect, all advising appointments will be held via Zoom videoconference or phone. Virtual Drop-In hours will also be available via Zoom.
I. Prepare for your Appointment or Drop-In Meeting
Before booking an appointment with the SOP staff, please make sure you have completed the Prospective Recipient Information Form.
- Filling out this form includes adding your unofficial transcript(s) and a resume, so that the advising appointment can hone in on scholarships specific to you.
- If you are unable to submit the unofficial transcript(s) and resume via the form, please email them to
II. Book a One-on-One Advising Appointment (Year-Round)
Use the Appointments system to book a one-hour advising appointment.
- If you would like to have a Zoom videoconference, include “Zoom” in the Reason box. At least one hour prior to your selected meeting time, your Student Advisor will email you a confirmation message, including the link to your scheduled Zoom meeting.
If you would prefer a phone appointment, enter your phone number and check the “Phone appointment” box.
You may also use this system to cancel or change your appointment time.
Appointments are typically offered during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, excluding campus holidays).
Appointments are approximately 2 to 4 days in the future to allow staff time to carefully review your submission.
If you are unable to locate an appointment time that meets your needs, please email with “SOP – Advising Appointments Request” in the subject line for further assistance.
III. Speak to a Student Advisor during Drop-In Hours
- During a Student Advisor’s designated Drop-In Hours (see table below), please access our Zoom waiting room.
- The waiting room tool allows our staff to respect each student’s privacy during busy Drop-In sessions. When you join the waiting room, the Student Advisor on duty will either add you to the meeting, or message you with an estimated wait time.
Drop-in Hours for Winter 2020:
Name | Title | Weeks | Hours of Availability |
Note: Drop-in services are typically not offered during Finals Week, Welcome Week, Summer Session, or gap weeks between academic quarters.
Step 3b: (Required) Complete and Submit a Pre-Application
All scholarships require a Pre-Application Form that applicants must submit according to each scholarship’s deadline to officially start the application process. Please note the pre-application deadlines below when preparing your required materials, completing, and submitting your pre-application form. By clicking on the scholarship name, you will be redirected to the pre-application landing page.
Big 7 Scholarships
Big 10 Scholarships
Pre-Application Deadline: Late October
Pre-Application Deadline: Early November
Pre-Application Deadline: April 6, Noon
(*For China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong Kong passport holders, Pre-App Deadline: March 9, 2020, Noon)
Once you have sent in a Pre-Application, within 48 hours you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding how to enroll in our online Canvas course. Your enrollment in the Canvas course is your next official step for the SOP application and advising process.