Prestigious Scholarship Winners’ Panel

The UCI Scholarship Opportunities Program (SOP) is pleased to host a panel event that brings together UCI faculty to talk about their experiences as prestigious scholarships winners.

This uniquely beneficial event will give students the opportunity to engage one-on-one with the faculty panelists as they share their stories and answer questions about how their prestigious scholarship wins have impacted their careers from both a short- and long-term perspective.

Light refreshments will be served.

Faculty Speakers:

  1. Professor Emeritus James Danziger, Political Science: Marshall Scholar (United Kingdom)
  2. Professor Bliss Cua Lim, Film & Media Studies: Fulbright
  3. Professor Magda El Zarki, Information & Computer Science: Fulbright
  4. Professor James S. Nowick, Chemistry: National Science Foundation
  5. Professor David L. Van Vranken, Chemistry: National Science Foundation

Please RSVP here.

If you are an undergraduate or recent alumnus/a interested in learning more about your eligibility for prestigious scholarships, you can book a personalized advising appointment online or contact the UCI Scholarship Opportunities Program at (949) 824-0189 or

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