Fulbright Canada-Killam Fellowship


The Killam Fellowships Program provides funding for exceptional undergraduate students to study in Canada for either one term ($6,000) or a full academic year ($12,000). The goal of the program is to increase mutual understanding between Canada and the United States of America. The fellowship includes a number of enrichment opportunities covered by the Killam Mobility Program, including the Fall Orientation, a Cultural Awareness Grant, and the Spring Seminar.

The Killam Fellowship application is supplemental to your study abroad applications. As of Fall 2020, the UCI Scholarship Opportunities Program (SOP) offers advising and nomination for Killam Fellows applicants to participating Canadian universities through Bilateral Exchange.


Fields of Study

The Killam Fellowship Program places no limitations on the applicant’s major or field of study. However, you should be able to identify relevant coursework at your Canadian host Institution that you would like to undertake to earn units toward your UCI undergraduate degree program. An Academic Advisor in your UCI School/major will need to approve your course selections for your study abroad plan.

N.B. If any of the Bilateral Exchange universities are not the right choice for your academic interests and plans, consider applying to the Killam Fellowship on your own through the Open Competition, without SOP nomination. Please see “Open Competition” on the Killam Fellowships: How to Apply website for guidelines.



To be eligible for SOP advising and nomination, Killam Fellows Direct Exchange applicants must:

  • be full-time, enrolled undergraduate sophomores (graduating two academic years from now) or juniors (graduating one academic year from now);
  • be a citizen of the United States of America;
  • intend to concurrently apply, through the UCI Study Abroad Center, to study abroad your Canadian host institution through Bilateral Exchange);
  • have a strong academic record and meet all eligibility requirements and regulations of the home university for participation in Bilateral Echange;
  • be proficient in English.

For guidelines on preparing your Study Abroad application, please see How to Study Abroad.


Scholarship Benefits

The Killam Fellowships Program provides:

  • a cash award of $6,000 US per semester ($12,000 for a full academic year);
  • a three-day Fall orientation in Ottawa and a three-day Spring seminar in Washington;
  • an allowance of $250 CA to offset the cost of health insurance.

All Killam Fellows are also eligible to apply for a mobility (in-country travel) grant in an amount not to exceed $800 Cdn. The idea of the mobility initiative is to allow students to undertake an educational field trip, providing the Fellows with the opportunity to gain a fuller understanding of the culture in Canada. Killam alumni are also eligible to apply for various enrichment opportunities such as the Fulbright Canada Alumni Internship Program, the Killam Community Action Initiative, and the Local Ambassador Program.


Recent Recipients & Honorable Mentions

Killam reviewers seek to identify undergraduates who demonstrate a passion for research and who exhibit the creative spark that will make them leaders in their fields.

  • In Fall 2023, Joshua Nguyen (Public Health) was a Killam Fellow at McGill University.



UCI may nominate three undergraduates intending to study abroad, through Bilateral Exchange, at select partner universities in Canada. The ideal candidate has excellent academic performance, a strong interest in cross-cultural exchange, and can articulate a compelling reason for choosing to go to Canada, to study abroad in the subsequent (next) academic year.

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