Knight-Hennessy Scholars Information Session

Each year the Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University program will identify a group of 100 high-achieving students from around the world with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment to receive full funding to any graduate major at Stanford, with the goal of developing a new generation of global leaders. The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program is designed to build a multidisciplinary community of Stanford graduate students dedicated to finding creative solutions to the world’s greatest challenges.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 5:00 PM

Writing Center, 193 Science Library

Please register in advance.

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars is the largest fully endowed scholars program in the world. Details about the program are available on our website, and our flyer.

The UCI Scholarship Opportunities Program supports UCI undergraduate students in applying for 15 prestigious, internationally-recognized merit scholarships. We provide bright and dedicated undergraduates with the communication skills – writing, editing, public speaking and interviewing – needed to compete successfully for top awards.

Interested in more scholarships for graduate study, research, public service, or special projects? Please contact the UCI Scholarship Opportunities Program at (949) 824-0189 or

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