Misha Ponnuraju – Fulbright Alternate

Misha Ponnuraju is a Fulbright Alternate. Misha is a 2020 graduate in English with an Emphasis in Creative Writing and Minor in Art History, a Phi Beta Kappa member, and Humanities Honors Program participant. She also served as a tutor for the Center for Excellence in Writing & Communication and led the literary journal New Forum and the comedy sketch group Soulstice League. After graduation, Misha worked as Publishing Coordinator for Women Wonder Writers and spearheaded an interdisciplinary creative arts program for incarcerated individuals. Currently, she is a Community Manager for Foglifter Press, an award-winning LGBTQ+ literary magazine, and the founder and facilitator of the Dirty Cowboys Café, a creative writing workshop for those with marginalized gender identities. As a poet, educator, and social media strategist, she hopes to continue her cultivation of supportive, creative communities and continue writing memoir, poetry, and screenplays.



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February 1, 2021