Pauline Ho – NSF Honorable Mention

Pauline Ho – NSF Honorable Mention

Pauline is a graduating senior double-majoring in Education Sciences and Social Policy & Public Service, as well as a research assistant in Dr. Mark Warschauer’s Digital Learning Lab. Her honors thesis research focused on the effects of Learning Assistants on...
Ashlee Davis – NSF Honorable Mention

Ashlee Davis – NSF Honorable Mention

Ashlee is a recent alumni in Chemistry and recipient of the UCI Undergraduate Research Award in Organic Chemistry in 2016. Her research with Professor Suzanne Blum on borylative heterocyclizations produced publications in both the Journal of the American Chemical...
Shaki Minami – NSF Honorable Mention

Shaki Minami – NSF Honorable Mention

Shiaki is a graduating senior whose interest in chemical and energy production brought him to the field of chemical engineering, in which he currently researches metabolic engineering for bio-sustainable polyketide production. He intends to obtain a Ph.D. in Chemical...
Ashlee Davis – NSF Honorable Mention

Jason Yu – NSF Honorable Mention

Jason is a graduating senior in Chemistry and received the Physical Sciences Undergraduate Achievement Award in 2016. His research focuses on using the computational software Turbomole to evaluate bioluminescent probes for disease detection. He will pursue his...
Emma Austin – Fulbright Recipient

Emma Austin – Fulbright Recipient

Emma is a cum laude graduate and Campuswide Honors Program alumna who has been writing creatively since the age of 8. As a winner of the Fulbright Uversity Master’s in Creative Process grant to Ireland, Emma designed her own master’s degree plan to support her novel...