Elizabeth Montoya is a transfer student from Antelope Valley College, now a graduating 5th-year student at the University of California, Irvine. Elizabeth is a first-generation college student double majoring in Microbiology and Immunology and Sociology with a minor in Medical Humanities. She is active on campus as the transfer senator for ASUCI, a writer for Morning Sign Out, and a public affairs host on KUCI. She is currently a student research assistant in Dr. Villalta’s Immunology lab at UCI School of Medicine. Elizabeth hopes to pursue a Master’s in Global Public Health and Policy then become a physician-scientist with the plans of working with patients on a one-on-one basis and conduct research with the goals of creating better treatment options with the hope of decreasing health disparities. Elizabeth plans to become an advocate beyond the doctor’s office and lab bench within the communities and inspire others to become strong leaders.
Elizabeth Montoya – Fulbright Recipient